White Eagle Hall is a newly restored and renovated historic theater located in the thriving nightlife scene of Downtown Jersey City, New Jersey. White Eagle Hall presents live music, theatre, comedy, dance, film, family shows as well as other performances while serving drinks with a full service bar. In addition, White Eagle Hall is a warm and intimate event space perfect for weddings, receptions, private parties, fundraisers, corporate meetings and other functions.
As one of the newest and most unique live-performance and event spaces in the Northeast, White Eagle Hall comprehensive overhaul features a roughly 8,000 square-foot flexible space venue and it’s capacity is 800 standing, 400 seating or 250 seated for dining; has many historic features including a wrought iron wrap-around balcony, a coffered tin ceiling with 2 large stained glass atriums at 28-feet high; has optimized acoustics and the latest in high quality lighting & sound technology and artist & audience amenities with 23-ft. proscenium stage that’s 30-feet. wide by 25-feet. Deep; two levels of back-stage areas, including fully-equipped dressing rooms that include 2 full restrooms with showers, make-up counter areas, private green rooms, washer/dryer & fridges. White Eagle Hall includes its own food & bar service complete with 3 bars and food counters; also features two restaurants – Madame and Cellar 335 – both seating 200 combined and are separate from and below the venue at the ground level.
WEH has been outfitted with the latest sound technology, creating a nearly echo-free atmosphere with enhanced aural clarity. Features include: sound isolation springs in floors and walls; custom-fabricated sound diffusion and absorption panels on ceilings; sound isolations springs on the Roof Top HVAC unit, eliminating the noise from air conditioning or heating; the stage’s sound panel has its own discreet ground, silencing unwanted hums. Even the preserved and fully restored dimpled tin ceilings have sound diffusion qualities. Through this system of sound absorption, isolation and diffusion, White Eagle Hall achieves 1.2 millisecond level of sound decay, one of the highest industry standards. Nearly all echo, unwanted noise and incidental reverberations are eliminated. White Eagle Hall is equipped with the latest generation, D&B Audiotechnik PA system controlled by Digico sound boards, considered state-of-the art and is the most sought after system by musicians and other performers. The system features a total of four 18-inch Subwoofers, two beneath the stage and two flown boxes, resulting in a full range of coverage throughout the venue; even the low-end sound can be heard on the balcony level. The WEH restoration created a front of house mix position, where the light and sound are controlled. This sunken design – it rests below the balcony – allows for clear, unhindered audience sight-lines as well as a more accurate reference point for sound and lighting technicians. The mixing console is fully integrated with the PA system, allowing for flexible mix positions and remote operation – a tech can work the lights and sound with his or her tablet from anywhere inside the hall. White Eagle Hall ’s POE LED House lights have full color spectrum capability. The LED Theatrical lights feature state-of-the-art intelligent lighting, but also have analog dimming flexibility for “old school” lighting effects all controlled by a MADOT2 lighting board.
The White Eagle Hall opened in 1910, constructed by Polish immigrants and craftsmen under the leadership of Father Peter Boleslaus Kwiatowski, who was driven from his native Poland by Russian occupiers just before the turn of the 20th century. During the depression, but before his death in 1934, Kwiatowski transferred the ownership of White Eagle Hall to St. Anthony’s. The parish managed the venue throughout the 20th century – in addition to church-related and other community activities. By preserving the historic integrity of the building while enhancing the audience experience with the latest in sound & lighting technology as well as amenities White Eagle Hall is a theater, performance, concert and event venue for the 21st century.
Embedded in the White Eagle Hall ceiling are two spectacular, hand-crafted stain-glass skylights – one commemorating Frédéric Chopin, the classical music composer, and the other Marcella Sembrich, an internationally renowned opera star – she sang 11 seasons with New York Metropolitan Opera.
Perhaps White Eagle Halls most famous achievement is the facility’s unique contribution to Basketball, the St. Anthony Friars, the basketball team of St. Anthony High School. Bob Hurley – Jersey City native – was the coach of this legendary team. Dozens of students under Hurley’s tutelage earned basketball scholarships to attend colleges and university and went on to play on major league teams. Hurley was the first High School Coach to be inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame. The original wood basketball floor where the Friars had their famous practice are now used as bar counters and balcony flooring; wood fixtures from Saint Boniface Church (constructed in 1865), can be found in the window frames, bar sides and balcony railings and ledges; Boniface altar fixtures can also be seen in the box office/merchandise area.
White Eagle Hall restoration project followed the latest in sustainable building practices, repurposing materials from the original construction by Ben LoPiccolo Development Group, LLC (BLDG) and its restoration was completed in 2016. In 2017, The Jersey City Landmarks Conservancy awarded its 2017 Excellence in Preservation Award for the restoration of White Eagle Hall, as a historic theater and public assembly venue.